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Connecting Biz + Brand

Just starting a business and need complete branding services? A new logo is a great place to start creating you business identity.

You may have a logo, but do you have a brand? How does your business reflect the brand you've created? Centerpiece Marketing can help you make your brand all about YOU and really stand out from others in your industry. Together, we will help you identify the mission of your business. Then, we can more successfully set your brand apart from competitors. We are ready to assist you with the marketing tools you need to effectively share your mission with the world. Once your mission is identified and you are sharing it with your audience, be loyal to your mission.

I read about business owner that did not want to be involved in the daily life and mission of his brand after a few years of startling his clothing line. The company was a clothing line that used recycled fabrics to create distressed-looking fashion apparel for children and adults. Everything was marketed as "100% recycled materials." Men, women, and children bought from the online shop for months and loved the shabby chic looks. These were recycled fabrics. Selling these items had doubled the lifespan of the materials. The mission of the company was to cut back on fabric wastes and this in turn makes a difference in the world for the better as it helps save the planet. The company took a drastic, negative spin when the business owner started selling new clothes of never worn materials in the shop. The brand could no longer market as "100% recycled materials" and the customers stopped buying. When purchases hit a record low, the owner realized the brand should pull all inventory that was brand new, never worn materials. When the brand decided this and announced its venture back to "100% recycled materials," sales began to increase once again. This is a prime example that the loyal customers were on the journey with this brand specifically to purchase pre-owned merchandise that had been refurbished.

How does your business reflect the brand you've created? Centerpiece Marketing can help you make your brand all about you and really stand out from others in your industry.

Your business can have the VIRTUAL POWER! It is all about branding and sharing your mission. Centerpiece Marketing is ready to assist you with enhancing your digital presence! Contact us today!



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